The advantage of living in a foreign country is the opportunity it provides for learning about another culture. Most of the Chinese people with whom you will interact are quite sophisticated and worldly. Many have been educated in the West, and many more have traveled extensively. Consequently, there is very little you can do that will shock or insult them with a few exceptions.
Despite its worldly veneer, Hong Kong is a very Chinese city and ancient traditions and ancestral rites are deeply embedded in the culture. It is fascinating to learn as much as possible about China and its history while you are here. Your insights will be invaluable in helping you to appreciate much of what goes on around you every day.
Below we discuss some very general Chinese customs that we hope you will find helpful as you adjust to your new environment.
Decisions on the design of buildings and even on where to place your bed in your apartment are made based on the ancient Chinese geomancer's art of feng shui. The principles of feng shui, which literally means wind and water, are an intrinsic part of doing business in Hong Kong. A feng shui master is consulted to determine the site of a building, the arrangement of furniture, the opening of an office, or the selection of a wedding date. The most auspicious dates and physical settings are those in harmony with the elemental forces of the earth.
There are a number of excellent publications available in local bookstores if you would like to learn more about Chinese customs. Some suggestions are: